After my husband und

After my husband und

author: <picky eater>
classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年08月29日

This made him curious. How could someone like that appear in this remote countryside Wounded, hiding in the cornfieldBefore Qiao Jing could figure it out, footsteps approached from afar. 。He's injured, he definitely can't run far. 。"We'll keep searching, we absolutely can't let him live to get away!",Thinking of this, Qiao Jing exerted herself, flipping the man over. 。 Zhan Qipei didn't expect the other party, who looked weak and frail, to have such strength. Could it be that he had overexerted himself and weakened "There's quiet over there!" The searcher heard the word "quiet" and rushed over with a cornstalk in his hand, appearing before Qiao Jing. 。"He's here! Kill him!" The masked assassin, holding a gun, was about to pull the trigger. 。,At that moment, another man wearing a mask rushed out. Before he could even draw his gun, he was struck in the face by a flying corncob thrown by Qiao Jing. 。"Bang!" A crash, and the surface was caved in. Like the assassin just moments ago, he didn't even have time to scream before collapsing unconscious. 。After easily dealing with the two, Qiao Jing clapped his hands and turned to Zhan Qipei, staring at the man's big... 。。

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