Ning Yuan Rong Zhao

Ning Yuan Rong Zhao

author: <<<The litt
classification: metropolis
update: 7分鐘前

Fang Yi ordered the Holy Realm experts stationed outside Shengfu, "Kill them both." 。At least ten saints made their move. Some launched their holy arts and artifacts from afar at the golden dragon chariot, while others charged directly towards it. 。,Similarly, the more inscriptions a Myriad Patterns Sacred Artifact has, the higher its grade and the more powerful it becomes. 。Of course, for the most holy and half-step saint kings, the more numerous Wanwen sacred artifacts are more of an intimidating effect. 。Because, even their holy power could only support a Myriad-Patterned Holy Artifact to erupt with one or two complete bursts of power. 。Only top-tier prodigies like Fang Yi and Dongliu Jianzun, who possessed a perfect physique, had an aura that was far wider than that of ordinary saints. Only they could repeatedly trigger the full power of a complete Wanwen Sacred Artifact. 。," 。Suddenly, behind the frenzy, two powerful waves of holy power surged out one after another, and two semi-holy king-level beings charged up. 。One of them, covered in purple flames, looked like a monkey, three meters tall. He was the leader of the Flame Monkey clan from the Dao Prison Realm. 。The other was a humanoid, very old, holding a crescent-shaped scimitar. He was the disciple of a human Great Saint from the Blade Prison Realm, Old Man Qi Li. 。。

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